開催日時2010年6月3日(木) 17:00-18:00
内容 【第五回瀬底サンゴ礁セミナー】
講演者: Dr. Sylvain Agostini (Shizuoka University) "Polyp gastric cavity: Characteristics and importance for the coral symbiotic complex"
要旨: Polyp gastric cavity, place of digestion of the matter ingested by the coral, has not yet been extensively studied, especially processes occurring inside. Using an original method of sampling we could find high bacteria abundances and high vitamin B12 concentrations. Therefore we made the hypothesis that coral forms a semi-closed system and that symbiotic bacteria in the coelenteron produce the vitamin B12 required by zooxanthellae and the host. Furthermore it was possible to show the translocation of the vitamin produced by bacteria to the zooxanthellae using cobalt-57 as tracer. Characteristics of the internal environment: the gastric cavity of polyps of Galaxea fascicularis, are presented including: bacteria community, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity and pH. Variation of the physico-chemical parameters studied inside the cavity show distinct behavior than in surrounding water. Further investigation, using similar methodology such as coelenteric fluid sampling, microsensor, radio tracer is required but the results obtained show the importance of studying the internal coral and the processes occurring inside, especially for the prevision of the impacts caused by surrounding water chemistry change: acidification, nutrient enrichment, etc.



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